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Domain names and WIPO Internet Domain Name Process
A domain name is a personal or business home address or space on the internet. It is a section in the cloud space which is rightfully owned by the owner as a personal property. A Domain name is composed of a special name that is linked to the IP address which is the language of communication of computers which is attached to the internet to physically locate the personally owned website or web page. So, domains are windows or doors of access to the websites owned by an individual or a company. These sites are used to provide personal information or business information that may be accessed by the public through the Domain names on the Internet.
It is very important to obtain a unique domain name that can be easily accessed by the public as domains are key to access specific doors for information. It should be kept in mind that domain names must be unique and distinct as they're the identity of website or web page owners on the internet. Therefore, it is advised to do a thorough research to pick a domain name and also decide the design which is supposed to be distinct from other domains.
With such issues of domain that revolve around ownership, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was formed to deal with the development of a balanced and effective IP system that enables innovations in development of creative and unique domains for the benefit of all. WIPO designs clear procedures for development and ownership along with maintenance issues related to the domains. WIPO develops and issues policies and procedures for resolution and settlement of disputes and claims of double ownership.
The registration of domain name may be completed in consonance with procedure issued by the WIPO though an independent domain registrar or with a web hosting service provider. It should be understood that there is a difference between the registration of a domain name and hosting the name. The registration fees of a domain includes services of the registration and creation of the domain name. However, fees for web hosting are charged in exchange for the license to use the space in the cloud for a limited period. The domain registrars are responsible to check the availability of names on the internet and to maintain the records associated with the registration. It is advised to choose a domain name registrar who is accredited by Top level Domain registries.
A domain name can still be created for you and it can remain reserved until you host a web and use your name for the website. Domain registrars may not necessarily be offering web hosting services. However, if you already have a set up account with a hosting company, you can, at once, complete the registration process and search the unique domain name with the help of the site of your web hosting service provider.
To register your website, you shall provide your proposed domain name and contact details for simple identification requirements like the physical location, phone numbers and an email address etc. You may be asked to sign a contract and it is advisable to confirm the details of the registrar as they are important in case of transferring the ownership of the domain. You are also asked to select the terms for renewal of your domain which ranges between one year to five years and pay the necessary fees for the selected option. The domain shall be renewed on the due date. Failure to renew domain on due date can collapse and make your domain name unavailable temporarily.